Music Lessons
Private Studio

I’d love to hear from you!
501 13th Avenue, South - Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 2W5
Phone: 778-517-1793 (local call) Email:
Music Teacher
ARCT, BA, Music Ed
Member of BCRMTA & EKMTA
with over 30 years experience teaching
Piano, Flute and Voice lessons.
Beginner through advanced.
All ages, all levels welcome.
Lessons begin in the Fall and end with Summer Vacation in June
I love Music and Love Teaching
I teach all levels of music privately and in class. Lessons are 30, 45, 0r 60 Minutes depending on the Level of music the student is in. Theory is taught to all Levels.
Music Computer Games for Beginners
Music is an Excellent Discipline for both Children & Adults
Music is known to be an excellent discipline. Piano is also known to be a basic instrument for all who want to enter into the field of music education.

Teacher’s Notes
I love teaching and seeing the results at my Year End Recital.
Please come and join the fun.
Give your child or yourself the gift of Music.