Music Lessons
Private Studio
I have been teaching children and adults for over 30 years in the music field. At the end of every school year I have a student recital of Piano, Voice and Flute. The Students range in age from 4 years old through 70 (I have some seniors) right now.
I am a member of the BCRMTA (British Columbia Music Teacher's Association) as well as the EKMTA (East Kootenays Music Teacher's Associaion). I also worked with the School Board for several years teaching Music to Students from Kindergarten through Grade 8, putting on several musicals each year. I also did music therapy with handicapped children in a couple of hospitals in Chicago, and California when I was just starting out in music. This was a degree course which later led to my Music Education degree.
I love teaching and working with both adults and children and presently sing in a very popular local choir here in Cranbrook.
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